Further low impact aerobic dance training for 5 days per week (LIA5DT) produced better changes over vo 2 max (0.971 l/kg/ml), resting pulse rate (4.87 B/Min), cardio respiratory endurance (197m), breath holding time (5.23 secs) than LIA3DT, HIA3DT and HIA5DT. Results: Significant changes were observed over vo 2 max, resting pulse rate, cardio respiratory endurance and breath holding time due to implemented aerobic dance programme for a period of 12 weeks. Data analysis was conducted using two way analysis of variance and 'F' test. Bench step and Astrand nomogram, bio monitor, cooper's 12 minutes run and walk and breath holding test were used to assess Vo 2 max, resting pulse rate, cardio respiratory endurance and breathe holding time respectively. Pre and post experimental baseline testing were also performed. Methods: Prior to and after exercise changes over Vo 2 max, resting Pulse rate, cardio respiratory endurance and breath holding time were assessed for a period of 12 weeks of aerobic dance in different impacts and frequencies. The experimental design used in this study was 2×2 factorial design involving 120 subjects the study consisted of four experimental groups.

The subjects completed a treadmill test to determine Vo 2 max and were assessed for heart rate (HR) response to a bout of aerobic dance. Experimental design: One hundred and twenty males aged between 18 and 24 years served as subjects for test validation. Purpose: The purpose of this investigation was to assess the changes over vo 2 max, resting pulse rate, cardio respiratory endurance and breath holding time by utilizing aerobic dance with different impacts and frequencies.